CUTer 0.1 Licensed under GPLv2 !Overview CUTer is a daid-simple unit testing framework for C. There are millions of these already in existence that are more featureful, but for some reason I still wanted to write my own. If you happen to like what I like, feel free to try it out. !Usage Make a directory for tests in your project. I generally call it ''tests''. Shocking, I know. Copy test_framework.c and if you want, the CMakeLists.txt. Now, you can start writing unittests. Included is an example unit test as well as an example CMakeLists.txt. Here's an example unit test file: #include static int one = 1; START_TEST(test_this_framework_01) ASSERT(one == 1, "one must be 1"); LOG("one is equal to one"); END_TEST Good work. If you are using the example CMakeLists.txt, just type: cmake .; make; cmake .; make test Note that the example creates one binary for all the given tests. If you'd prefer separate files, forsake the cmake example and add STANDALONE to the bottom of each test file. Feel free to experiment and report back! !Contact If you hate it, love it, or have a nice patch, feel free to send it directly to me.