PROJECT(libevapp_scaffold) # Pull in the macros for using CUTer with cmake. #INCLUDE(${CUTer_SOURCE_DIR}/CUTer.cmake) # We'll need all of the .h files in our path for building # CUTer itself, but all tests need CUTer.h in their include path as well. INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(BEFORE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${libevapp_SOURCE_DIR}) # Build the evapp library itself. ADD_LIBRARY(evapp_scaffold SHARED scaffold.c handlers/create.c handlers/delete.c handlers/list.c handlers/static.c handlers/update.c handlers/view.c) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(evapp_scaffold evapp event event_extra db) # Now make a list of test file. # Nb: you can have multiple tests per file #SET(TEST_SOURCES # test_this_framework.c #) #CREATE_CUTER_TEST_DRIVER(test_driver.c ${TEST_SOURCES}) #ENABLE_TESTING() #ENABLE_CUTER_TESTING(${CUTer_SOURCE_DIR})